Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Romanian National Archives and the Stray Dog (Caine)

I just got back from the Romanian National Archives in Sibiu, I took a look at the records for birth, baptism, marriage and death from 1723 to 1837 for Gergeschdorf (Ungurei), my families village. I found the earliest Fising in the town in a Marriage Record from 1743 it was for the marriage of Martinus (Martin) and Catherinan (Catherine) Fising 4/25/1743. Pretty cool I found ancestors that far back. The records are all hand written in German and in calligraphy cursive, so it was very difficult to read. Some of the priests had much better writing than others; however, most were horrible at penmanship. I tracked down many Fising relatives up until 1836. Nw i have t go to Sebes and Alba Iulia t look at their recrds from 1837 to 1959. The Romanian Military Police Officer was very nice at the archives and spoke to me in English fr quite sometime. He tld me if he wants to leave Sibiu, even for a daytrip he has to file a report with the Inspector General of the Military Intelligence! I thought the revolution was back in 1989; however, many things in the government have stayed the same. For example If I wanted to take photographs of the archive books I would have to go to another office to make the payment and then walk back to the archives to review the documents! The pictures below are of the Archives building in Sibiu.

When I came back from the archives I ran into a cute stray dog (caine) pronounced (cuh-reena). I petted him and then he followed me all the way back to my apartment. I gave him some Salami from my fridge and then said goodbye. I came out 30 minutes later and he was still waiting for me at the front door to the building. I imagine he will follow me around town today. It is a shame that there are so many stray dogs here that need a loving home.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Tom: Whatever will you do? It's pretty clear that he has fallen in love with you. I hope you will be able to find how Johann and Katherine Adami Fising (my Grandmother's parents)are related to your family. Good luck. Kay
